Don't be anti-semitic bro.
Are you accusing, Mark Zuckerberg, a jew of being the thought police?
Oy vey
As far as I can tell @TommyAllArk_io reacts often to posts/comments that he doesn't like by replying to all the person's posts either calling them anti-semitic or rapist or similar and making wordplays including the word "jew".
Did I get it right, or is that not correct?
Lol so off the mark
Did the sarcasm fly over your tiny head or you gonna call me an anti-semite now? Lmao the IQ level on display
I really want to get away from social media platforms because I read a book by Jaron Lanier and watched the Social Dillema.
The Social Dilemma was good but after the past couple of years, I realize that social media giants and tech companies have all been deputized and function as an extension of government thought surveillance/policing in the same way that KYC is financial surveillance.
Nostr seems to be gaining traction as a protocol rather than a platform.
Should be a pinned post.
Smart man 👍🏻