Which Cities Gained And Lost The Most People in 2023?

Cities with the Largest Population lncrease

Despite Canada having a population just 12% the size of the United States, the country was home to a majority of the fastest-growing cities between the two neighboring countries. Eight of the top 10 fastest-growing cities were in Canada. Only two U.S. cities in Texas, Fort Worth and San Antonio, made the top 10. Toronto saw the highest increase in population, adding over 120,000 people to the city in 2023.

Cities with the Largest Population Losses

In terms of the highest population loss, major U.S. cities like New York, Chicago, Portland, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, all experienced significant population decreases in 2023. Not a single large central city in Canada saw a net population loss in 2023.
What about India??
I don't know. I haven't found data about India. But I think they are all increasing.
I think this is obvious, though. As established cities get overpopulated, of course their will be a move towards undeveloped cities. Hence why people from New York, Chicago, and LA are leaving for greener pastures.