“Play by the rules”, we learn as youth So all of us get to play fair With rules made clear - solid and firm We can play our best everywhere
But if the rules can change at all Then most of our efforts are spent Not on play, but on changing rules And on who gets to circumvent
If rules can vary, why waste time On laboring hard on the field? Just fight to be the rule-changer For your own advantage and yield
Bitcoin contains the steadfast rules Immutable, strong, and precise Nobody gets to change the code Because they don’t want to play nice
Bitcoin gives the freedom to build To create and produce and provide Play by the rules, and live in peace With our work and wealth verified
I never liked to "play by the rules", the "rules of society" and all that. Instead I always ask: Why we know what we know?
I have a lot to learn from you. That's why I'm following you. you are an inspiration to me