From my understanding, brute forcing a secret key is almost impossible. And each binary character representation is eight ones or zeros. It would make it even more difficult to brute force it.
Almost impossible (today).
Many people today remember when DES (circa 1975) was also almost impossible to crack. Today, you can crack DES with a low-tier smartphone in a couple seconds.
Assuming we continue to amass computation like we have from 1975-present, it could only be a matter of decades before SHA-256 is also trivial to crack.
Not saying anyone should worry about it now. But also, don't be surprised if you find yourself worrying about it in 50+ years either.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT OP 21 Sep
So, so its impossible. If you tried this you also couldn't select any individual wallet. You would be guessing at ANY possible wallet.
Its technically not impossible. If you had the public key and you were trying to brute force with the private key.... Its possible. It just might take an extremely long time. I think that is how puzzle 67 got solved. Or was it 66?