My mom is like that too. Interestingly when I quit coffee, I never get a headache. I just crave it. It's mostly mental. Why is soda so perfect with pizza?
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 6h
Even my mom says she drinks coffee to sleep better...
Pizza and soda is the best thing in life, it's the only way I can drink a few sips. Is there Nestea in the US? That was my favorite option when I was in Venezuela, a glass of peach Nestea, with pizza, hamburgers or hot dogs, that way I avoided the soda, but here where I emigrated they don't sell it.
We have it in the US. When I was teen I would visit my dad in the summers and we drank it by the gallon. I liked it then. Haven't had it in 20 years. I forgot about it.