About 2 to 3 years ago I started walking in the world of cryptocurrencies, I already wrote about it once. Because of that I was in I don't know how many Exchanges, I have notifications of price changes of I don't know how many shit coins, I don't know how many notifications to know what projects are emerging, and every time a notification appeared I ran to see if I bought, sold.
I just started learning about Bitcoin, I always have to thank Cuba_Bitcoin for that. Even with some old habits of shit coins, I saw the notifications and something would jump out at me, but I didn't run anymore, and on many occasions I simply deleted them without worry. Although I recognized that I had to find a way to earn SATs, even if it was through shit coins, I recognize that it was an impulse.
Stacker News came into my life. The Swiss Army Knife of stackers. Gaining knowledge, sharing what we know, debating points of view, doing PoW and earning SATs for it.
Notifications only notify me that I don't care about shit coins, that I don't care about projects regardless of the chain. I only care about Bitcoin, knowing about Bitcoin and teaching about Bitcoin.
That gives me peace and tranquility. I'm learning to be a Bitcoiner.
bitcoin is peace of mind when you can just stack and rest assured you can store your economic energy without it being stollen or devalued by a government.
shitcoins run by VCs and dodgy yield farms etc are the opposite of peace
Awesome. SN is a game-changer.
This is the way.
bitcoin is the way