I am talking personal experience, not stories I hear from other people. Science is overrated in my opinion.
There is a lot of crappy science, for sure. Especially in the field of sociology. It's just very hard to isolate one degree of freedom from the other ones and manage to make meaningful control groups.
However, the scientific method is the best tool we have to make generalized statements. Many studies don't use it properly though.
But I get your point, personal experience trumps everything, especially on a topic that only affects yourself. Best to do what you feel best about.
I don't need others to tell me anything ever. Only humans look outside of their own experience to make decisions. Look at nature. We have all the answers we need inside of us. All we need is silence. I am my best guide, led by my intuition. Maybe that is "stupid". That's just my approach to navigating me reality. Sit in meditation, feel my body, go within.