If you write the word "Artificial Intelligence" in any searching engine you will find a bunch of different AI machines. Nowadays there is practically an AI for everything. As time progresses, more AI machines will be created. The temptation to resist to these "tools" is becoming very hard. They give you an easy solution: write the right prompt and the work is done.
Well, yes. The work is done, but the written text it's not yours. You haven't written a single word. How would you dare give this text to other people asking them to read it?
I have seen a lot post generated by an AI on social media and on various blogs. Certainly, I don't read such a text. I have installed an AI detector extension. Before reading a post, I check if it is a human text or not. I respect myself and I don't want them insult my intelligence serving me posts they didn't write themselves.
Having said that, I want to ponder a question to you, stackers: What do you think about using AI writing tools not for generating a text from scratch but for helping you improve your writing.
What do I mean?
You came up with a good idea for a post. You think about this idea and try to organise your thoughts. In the end, you decide to write them down. But the result is not that good. Not because your ideas are not good, but because your writing style is not that good, it's too jargon or it's not beautiful. Furthermore, imagine yourself being a non-native english speaker and your writing is even worse in terms of style, even of accuracy.
However, you really want to post this text to Stacker News. What would you do in this case?
Are you going to post it as it is? Or you'll try to use some writing or editing tools to improve your style and the quality of your writing?
For exemple:
This is my un-editing paragraph:
You came up with a good idea for a post. You think about this idea and try to organise your thoughts. In the end, you decide to write them down. But the result is not that good. Not because your ideas are not good, but because your writing style is not that good, it's too jargon or it's not beautiful. Furthermore, imagine yourself being a non-native english speaker and your writing is even worse in terms of style, even of accuracy.
These are the same paragraph, but edited with two writing tools:
The firs one is edit with: DeepL Write You have a good idea for a post. You think about the idea and try to organize your thoughts. Finally, you decide to write it down. But the result is not so good. Not because your ideas aren't good, but because your writing style isn't good, it's too jargon-y, or it's not beautiful. Furthermore, imagine you are a non-native English speaker and your writing is even worse in terms of style, even accuracy.
The second one is edited with ChatGPT using this prompt: Edit this text for grammar and fluency (paste the text).
You came up with a good idea for a post. You think it over and try to organize your thoughts. In the end, you decide to write them down, but the result isn’t great—not because your ideas aren’t good, but because your writing style needs improvement. Maybe it’s too full of jargon or lacks clarity. Now, imagine being a non-native English speaker; your writing might be even worse in terms of both style and accuracy.
Which would you prefer?
at the moment, the quality depends on the prompts and it doesn't replace the work of deep thinking.
as a native English speaker, i can spot ai text - people use it for copywriting and it just sounds hacky.
what i find it's good for , when prompted, is planning text structure and layout, then yo can fill in bits.
for basic news pieces it's fine, for creativity, not so much, at least not yet
I think that artificial intelligence will allow us to advance and improve our writing in any field in which we wish to develop. I hope that AI guides us, helps us improve every day and be able to develop books, poetry and all the literary material we want.
So long as the message gets through