Please do not "award" anything to posts that are just links without any explanation. Bitcoin_beginners should be real post teaching noobs, not spam links without any content. Make them to show some PoW, don't let them assmilking you.
I agree. I zapped two of your post links this week. That's because they were really good.
No, please do not zap because are coming from me. I am not an exception. If I post a link without content is because I want people just to be aware of it and bookmark it in their personal bookmarks (as id when I see something interesting).
But for example if is a link from bitcoin.stackexchange that explain an interesting case and is not at least copy/pasted as text and at the bottom insert the source, it is mostly skipped by many.
At least if is an interesting question, post the answer as text.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 9h
One of your posts was the link to the LightningPub/Shockwallet video. That was a great video. By highlighting it as a top post more stackers will see it. I think there is a difference between a good link post and an assmilking (I finally learned!) post.
not that was a great video , but also the back and forth follow up discussion between @justin_shocknet and the other guy testing it, was really interesting. I read it all.
I posted that video exactly for that, to spark interest and other people testing it. We need more discussions like those. That's why we have this powerful tool as SN.