Not sure if anyone asked before, just came across a comment in Russian and realised that having some kind of "translate" button, similar to Twitter would be awesome. Not sure if that's even possible here, just a thought.
I think @k00b was keen to dedicate some time to this, but not sure how highly it ranks against non-custodial SN and tags/categories or other features. Here's the link to a quick convo in a prior SN daily thread.
Lots of options mentioned in that thread too. Great to know they're already on it, it's just a matter of time.
Wonder how much those translate APIs cost twitter/IG etc. Maybe SN can charge a sat or two to when you click "translate post" ... 🤔
That's an idea! Could make using an API-based system doable.
deepL has an API.
I'd like to have thematic constant sub-threads specifically for different languages.
I would prefer to have it (messily) bundled together, with a button (or automatically) that would translate the whole thread/page, while somehow (using a small flag) marked the translated comments so we can run the original in a different translator if the comment doesn't make sense.
Probably this feature may come first. I assume it may use some Google API although I am not sure about all implications.
Проблема разности языков! мыслим все одинаково! но сказать не модем 2+2=....
Exactly! At least we all speak the best language of all, Bitcoin.
Да и это будет язык програмирования.... эволюционируем по чу-чуть...