That is awesome. I never could have imagined that kind of job exists. But now that I have hear about it, of course it does.
After I walked away from my electrical service business of 25 years, I decided to deliver pizzas. Everyone thought I was crazy. I had a successful business and I was moved to a job that most anyone with a driver's license could do. And I really didn't fit it with the other drivers. But I loved it. I needing something with no stress and that is what it was. I made pretty good money that was cash and I took home everyday. I got to drive around town listening to music. I liked interacting with the customers and making big tips. I was really good at it. I got great free food every day I worked. Even got to feed my family often times. It was really fun. This was my last "real" job and was a big part of my transition to leaving the city and becoming the oddball desert dweller I am today. Good memories. Great share and question. 💚