Fantastic! I'm glad you finally told this story. It will inspire others.
250 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin OP 7h
In all these 12+ years in Bitcoinlandia, I lived many stories. Some good, some terrifying.
Depending on the mood and actual situation, I maybe drop some more. All these years I've seen many things, I observed, I stored information, I analyzed information but the most important was to listen to others. What they need, what are their struggles, and then looking myself to find a solution for them with the actual tools we have in Bitcoin.
I am retired, yes, but sometimes they still call me for a consultation. And that makes me happy, because Bitcoin adoption is not done by Trumps, Saylors and ETFs... but by small merchants, small companies that are struggling to GTFO from the fiat system.
I lived many stories. Some good, some terrifying.
Well now your next big post has to be the most terrifying one. We all want to see the vulnerable side of Darth