This is part of the internal research to make the ~Design territory better and more suited to stackers and cowboys needs.
Providing your response to the pool, consider that:
  • GHOSTER: I'm here, but you cannot see me!
  • VISITEUR: Landing from external sources, either unsatisfied leave elsewhere for an answer, or finds the information and registers to comment/question on posts.
  • LEARNER: Stackers that visit territory posts, ask questions and comment to learn from others.
  • SNOOPIER: Stacker that often create posts in the territory after landing on SN
  • RANDOMER: Probably the majority in this territory, that come for a specific topic and never or sporadically come back.
  • BESTROWER: Active in the SN community that actively contribute posting and-or commenting in the territory.
5 votes \ 1 day left
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 20 Sep
I'd like to see more contributions towards design-specific questions / posts, as that's what I'd imagine this territory to be about: Improving design.
Thank you for your feedback. Ideally, that's one of the aims of this territory. But also to share design techniques and creative strategies.
Most of what I want on sites like this is to learn. I would love to learn about design in ~design.
What do you actually means by 'design'? I think @Design_r has picked a wrong name here for what he describes for the territory.
Are you referring to the territory description?
As a community of creativity lovers, we share ours, like others, favorite concepts and masterpieces. As well as adult, substantive and constructive conversations and feedback about design, innovation, creative people and thinkers of the past, present, and future.
Arent we all learners?
yes.. I mean I hope more people could recognize that!
In this case, it refers specifically about your feelings on current design topics covered in the ~Design territory.
Here you could upvote the list of topics #692718 and the type of content #692737