Maybe is just a simple consolidation into new segwit addresses.
These all went to mutually independent p2wpk addresess. They may not be connected.
That being said, how many folks have multiples of 2009 full rewards still unspent -- not many! It is very believable these are the same party.
We would have to see if these get consolidated into exchange hotfunds to determine if they are being spent.
If the party was just moving to stronger P2WPKH over the very legacy P2PK -- sure, but there is a major disclosure with this many coin days destroyed. There is a trade off in 'showing ones hand', for an incremental security improvement.
That's the beauty of Bitcoin. Nobody knows exactly. They are always guessing, even the coinjoin "watchers".
Please tell me where were going my old legacy addresses that I moved into segwit after the fork wars...