Yes we are separating money & state, but will globalism come out ahead?
Going through all the recent changes in totalitarian, utterly pointless regulations around visas and such I cannot ignore the big picture: we're very close to global taxation, global control of travel, global totalitarian helth management via WHO and Big Pharma, as well as total surveillance of even the tiniest transaction.
This will totally happen also without CBDCs! Its already the case inside of the EU, any meaningful amount of fiat you want to use as you wish will be scrutinized or even blocked, leading to lots of hassle and lost time & energy.
Likewise we will have the same regime around selling Bitcoin, yeah I know people will pile in here with their plan to hold forever until it IS the money of the planet, but how the hell can any new, real business be buidlt that way??
Of course there are lots of hardworking, courageous people who buidl right now, and I am not saying that we'll all get wiped out, leaving Bitcoin as the internal ledger of Blackrock, which will then literally own every single asset on the planet.
The problem is that this is the plan, and so far all our natural freedoms are being encroached upon in quite invisible ways. It is hard to see this big picture unless you have hands on business experience, and preferably at least a comprehensive picture of how international business and especially the controls of this is changing.
Maybe we'll get more countries like El Salvador, and maybe Bitcoin will win by brute force in failed states, but will we win in a meaningful way against this whole WHO/UN/WEF blob? Maybe we'll win in parts of the world to such a degree that this will then be taken down later, but how many years will this take?
I'm not trying to peddle random doom here, its something that occurs to me now that I'm planning a few moves the next few years, mainly relocating for a while, and then reappear on some of the taxation & enslavement radars if I have to.
Will a country, region or even local area open up for me, with the right timing so that I can live with Bitcoin as my only store of value and means of exchange? Will the same happen for enough of us so that we can live to later take on the big, globalist demons?
Maybe the game theory predicts even this! Maybe the whole Beast System will collapse on its own once fiats collapse, but personally I cannot afford any wishful thinking around this since it might whack me in more than the financial sense...
I do think we need more focus on this, and I do think even those of us who are KYC & fiat wage slaves stacking Bitcoin need to speak up in defiance, if not we won't make it to where we totally can be!
I always warn people with this meme. But unfortunately very few paid attention to it.
It is slowly being built and adopted. The people that hold bitcoin are the foundation that keep it strong.
What is being built?
The problem is that the jail and what we build on Bitcoin is being built at the same time...