most other zappers are unlikely to zap big, unless they can outdo the original zapper by an order of magnitude.
Doesn't this imply they know what the biggest zap is? Is this the margarita speaking? lol
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @Scoresby 5h
Probably not. If I see a really good post and it only has a little bit of zaps, I am more inclined to zap it hard (10k+).
If I see a post and it already has 40k sats zapped, I'm probably going to zap it a little, maybe up to 1 or 2k at most.
Do I know who zapped before me or how much? No. But my feeling is that the poster has gotten some good recognition and value and there is probably not too much rewards to be gained there. So, unless it is truly exceptional, I'm not going to zap much more.
Perhaps I am a miserly outlier and too mercenary, but I suspect stackers zap in orders of magnitude.
If you see a post that has a couple thousand sats but is awesome you zap it by a multiple of 10k or just a little. If you see a post that has a couple 10k of sats, you zap it just a little or you zap it up to 100k. For me at least there is a leveling up involved in thinking through a zap. The biggest zaps I've done have usually been when I felt something was under appreciated and to demonstrate the fact, you usually have to add a zero.
This may not apply to posts with less than 10k sats.