I usually went Classical Republic, nice bonuses that you don't have to think about much.
I normally pick this one as well, but if war is about to go down, I go oligarchy. I'm thinking I'll have to take out Zanzibar and then Walata. I'm getting boxed in on the map. But it's the stackers' call.
Nice, this is fun haha, I would subscribe to this series. https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/issues/1410
Does Zanzibar have a good city-state bonus or is it a useless one?
I think that's a fantastic idea! I read your suggestion yesterday.
Zanzibar is good for gold; I usually manage to get a lot of gold from trade routes. Perhaps I could do without Zanzibar. I don't usually go to war with city-states, but this time it seems like a good strategy. Going to war will also allow me to train my troops to gain promotions.
Yeah, if you don't need those amenities, go Sun Tzu on them.