For those to whom "conspiracy" or "conspiracy theory" is synonymous with "whacky idea that is obviously false" or "untrue by definition" I'd recommend going through the findings of the Church Committee. It was an investigation that got carried out in 1975 that opened the CIA's book at least in part. We don't know what they managed to hide successfully but what was revealed is quite significant. There's lots of conspiracy theories that are untrue, don't misunderstand me. But conspiracies are actually quite common in the history of human affairs.
A recent example from the saga kicking of this dacade: social media companies like facebook, google, twitter conspired with the USA federal government to censor speech contradicting the government sponsored narrative of the day. Conspiracies to censor dissident speech continues on other topics like the causes of the conflict in ukraine. And it doesn't end with censorship. There's also quite a bit of lawfare.
But again: history is full of conspiracies. Conspiracy is simply a particular form of humans working together. Of humans making agreements with eachother to coordinate their actions. This is very natural behaviour for humans.
It should also be noted that there's a predictable cycle the PR on these things goes through from "It's not happening. That's a conspiracy theory" to "It's happening and that's a good thing, even a necessary thing" That's what happened with talk about these various international groups like Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, WEF, bohemian grove etc. For decades the existence of these sorts of groups was denied but now we're at the point where it's a good thing and we need global governance etc. Ignore as long as you can. Then deny it as long as you can. Then act as though you never denied it and spin a positive story about it. That doesn't seem like a very wholesome pattern to me and it may indicate the existence of a conspiracy.
I should also note finally that what could be called conspiracies can actually be acted out with all the best intentions and so-called noble lies. You see we've got to conspire because if we're open about what we want to do then the people won't accept it but the people don't know what's good for them so we've got to take matters into our own hands and conspire to save us all. This kind of use of evil means in pursuance of what are seen as good ends does happen sometimes. In my view these kinds of people more often than not pave the way to hell with good intentions when they act in that manner. Then there's also the capacity of humans for self-deception and maintaining self-serving lies. Know thyself. It is difficult.