There's a recent lecture by long-time ketogenic diet researcher Jeff Volek. He studies things like rates of glycogen replenishment and how that differs in low-carb athletes versus high-carb athletes. He talked about that specific topic in a lecture recently uploaded on youtube. Also worth mentioning in this context: World Strongest Man 2017 winner Eddie is currently doing the carnivore diet. He has been doing it for about a month and a half at this point while training twice daily for an upcoming MMA bout. He also keeps up with strength workouts. I was pleased to learn that 8+year carnivore doctor and top level athlete himself was advising Eddie. Shawn's book "the carnivore diet" may be a good intro to the main ideas and rationale behind this way of eating. I'd also recommend doctor Ken Berry in general and more particularly his recent debate against Joel Khan on a youtube channel by the name of Lauren Knight Hughes or something similar to that. I didn't see much if anything wrong with the case he made.
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