• If you earn in bitcoin, spend in bitcoin, save in bitcoin, and use bitcoin as a unit of account. You can ignore the fiat conversion rate.
it's like assembling Exodia in Yu-Gi-Oh
  • When your living on a bitcoin standard, you've switched from an inflationary system to a deflationary one. Every year goods and services will cost less sats, rent becomes cheaper every year and Instead of arguing for a raise, your employer would have to argue for your paycut.
  • You'll probably be able to retire off of a couple million satoshi's, because by the time you retire, your rent will have dropped from 5 million a month to 1k a month (and I'm talking about satoshi's). Groceries will cost a couple hundred sats a month maybe.
it's like being a boomer in reverse
We're living in an environment were we are getting seriously overpaid in bitcoin while fiat is seriously overpriced. I'm making millions of satoshi's a month. I'll never be able to make this kind of money again. When the dust settles and you tell your children how much you made a month in satoshi's, they'll call you a legend.
it's like discovering fire as a cave man
You had me at Exodia.
Using fiat illusions as your unit of account is like falling for your governments trap card.