1. yes
  2. yes, you can upgrade to once from yearly for 2m sats
k00b, how are you and the team feeling about territories?
Did you have any prediction about how us Stackers would use territories, that did or did not come true?
Seems to be ~ 10 months (#339533) of territories out the wild.
Nothing too surprising - other than more people wanting them than we thought. Our main concern going forward is making them profitable and destinations unto themselves. I have two PRs I'll probably ship today that should help with revenue for founders some.
This will happen with Bitcoin adoption. I think how it is set up now is pretty ideal. We just are waiting for the users..
This will happen with Bitcoin adoption.
I prefer to think about it the other way. Bitcoin adoption will happen when it is critical to valuable experiences. In relation to SN, I prefer to think about Bitcoin not as an appreciating asset, but as a trustless scarcity provider. Ideally, SN doesn't need people to adopt bitcoin before getting value from SN. Ideally, SN leverages digital scarcity to provide benefit pre-adoption of bitcoin.
Now that's breaking news!
Does this apply for monthly as well? Have paid 10 months at 100k sats that's 1M sats same as paying a year.
It only deducts the current billing cycle. If you're on monthly and upgrade to yearly, you'll pay 900k sats.
I see.
Wow, just realized I was two items away from snagging 6900069 from @grayruby
Aim for 6900690
52 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Sep
Can the name of a territory be changed after creation?
Oh, you're right, the FAQ only said this:
What Variables Do Territory Owners Control?
Territory owners can set the following variables when they create their territory:
  • Territory name
  • Territory description
  • Minimum posting cost
  • Allowable post types
I've added the following now:
All territory variables can be updated after creation.

Answer is probably no but if one does a 1m sats/year option but then decides to switch to a one time payment, Is the first 1m sats applied to the 3m sats cost?
No Wait It is applied. I just verified with my own territory. I am paying per month for ~security and the switch to yearly will only cost me 900k sats.
The same should be the case for going from yearly to once.
I've added this to the FAQ now here:
If you later change your mind, your payment for the current period is included in the new cost. This means that if you go from monthly to yearly payments for example, we will charge you 900k instead of 1m sats.
Thanks, got love the quick turn around time.
That's crazy, I answered 1 second after you 🤠
67 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Sep
I'm going to the bathroom solo 🤠
Yes. You can also buy an archived territory and change the name.
What name do you want??
I have a couple names, which I don't care to share at the moment. I don't need anyone land grabbing them up. :)
I am not sure if any one of my topics is worth a whole 3m sats by it self. I am wrestling in my head over the cost at the moment.
That is why I asked if the name could be changed. I could see the territory just becoming Wumbo's Sutff as a catch all. If none of the topics catch fire.
Ok , I can understand
I tried to take over an old territory and i kept getting a taken error when I tried to pay
Territory related query. Can I easily see the territories I am subscribed to? And more so just show posts from them?
Maybe I should add as a feature request on GitHub?
I read all the comments!! It is information that interests me because seeing how you are working and looking for ways to promote the territories (beyond the idea of why they cost you a good amount of sats to obtain them) I know that you do it because you want to provide and share more information that can help us all!! those of us who make life here in S.N.. because here everything is information!! everything is freedom of thought!! 💪💪💪
Interesting. Something to ask @k00b for sure.