Iphones and Androids running Google Playstore are all heavily monitored by state surveillance. In avoiding smartphones Hezbollah were correct as Mossad surely have very close support from US intelligence services. Any Bitcoiner should avoid doing any serious Bitcoin computing on any Google playstore based Android phone or Iphone...they are simply not secure devices with both state actors and hacker having multiple access routes to into them. So using low tech GPS free pagers makes sense for Hezbollah but yes they were caught out and now look tragically incompetent in that they allowed the supply chain of these pagers to be infiltrated by Mossad agents. This is a huge success for Mossad/Israel and a huge blow for Hezbollah and their Iran backers. Unlikely however this ends the senseless endless conflict between these two ideologically religiously opposed groups. Behind Hezbollah stands China who in turn back Iran. Behind Israel stands the US. This is part of the wider proxy war between the US and China which includes the Ukraine conflict and is China effectively challenging US global hegemony.