I'm trying to get focused on building a master liquidity node, but I'm getting analysis paralysis on all the liquidity automation options. So I SN 🤷‍♂️
Sounds like important work. I don't know what it means but it sounds like it is Bitcoin work?
Yes, see reply above ^ :D
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @clarity 20h
I'd be willing to pay satoshis for it too, but it's a trust issue, giving someone access to your node..
That makes sense. I trust you will figure it out somehow.
That happens to me often. I get stuck in my head. Maybe it's a good thing to have a distraction so the best ideas can simmer and work themselves out.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @clarity 20h
I'm waiting for someone to post "I have been running a node for a few months now with automated liquidity: no failed transaction, and I'm willing to give you the macaroon file and open the RPC port so you all can build your sites. I'm inventing Lightning-as-a-Service"
I'll pray real hard for you. 🪄