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Thanks... at least you've tired. It's all that matters. And you are right. I didn't want to do this for a beer, but to show the others the power of Bitcoin.
I understand that not all areas are the same, the background of each region also counts. Here the Ponzzi scams were brutal, and there are even several people who, when they are told about Bitcoin, the answer is "a relative of mine was involved in that and they were scammed," although as Ernesto from Mi Escuelita Bitcoin once said, people are scammed with fiat money and no one blames either the fiat money or the banks.
But I would like to know some suggestions on how to awaken interest in people, what phrases have you used, something that will help me. Brother, today thanks to you I realized that I was wrong. Will we have many H8s?
people are scammed with fiat money and no one blames either the fiat money or the banks.
So true! All around the world is the same.
what phrases have you used, something that will help me.**
This one I use in special: