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I have lots of thoughts about this metaphor. Here are some of mine. I want to know what yours are, stackers.
Agree with that
  • It suggest that delaying action doesn’t necessarily make a challenging situation easier to face.
  • Sometimes, it's better to confront things head-on rather than waiting and hoping they'll change on their own.
Disagree with that
  • It does make your mind ready though, if you jump late.
  • Giving yourself enough time to prepare for the impact can completely change the experience.
  • Sometimes it is better to prepare yourself for before you take the leap.
(sats for all)
I imagine you are referring to the kind of people who prefer to wait before making a decision, they are the kind who look at how others are doing before taking the plunge and all they do is waste time and they say that time is money. It doesn't matter when you do it, just do it in the end, you won't change the result.
I think it's saying that if we leave things to the last minute, it won't work out.
I remember swim practice. Didnt matter if you were first or last, it was always cold until you did your warm up. The sooner you got in, the sooner you finished your warm up. Such is life, 90% is just starting.
Sats and like liberty should be free for all