' becoming an industrial museum' sums it up quite nicely.
we'll just all end up like Greece and Italy, nice for tourism and reminiscing on the good old days
I heard a good comparison that Germany is 20 century country in 21 century. Weak services not really much "economy of knowledge" etc. Everybody knows how to build cars and electro cars are even simpler.
Agree 100%, i am in Italy and is becoming a Disneyland for rich guys. Life for normal people is getting quickly not economically sustainable, in a few years all manufactoring industry will be be wiped out by Asia and other countries. We will live with the "fuckin" italian style brand...but touristic countries never attract talents or innovators. Competences will decline faster than many suppose.
it's inevitable. I'm in the Balkans at the moment and anyone finishing school;s first goal is to escape to Germany or something as the wages are higher (they don't think about the tax etc)
the other half just wants to be a software or coder but what works today might not be a thing tomorrow.
my question has always been, how is Germany supplying jobs to like everyone from around the EU