Russian Oligarchs have no passports? Really? Chinese Oligarchs have no passports? Really? You might argue that the CCP is closely aligned with Chinese Oligarchs but you know nothing about China if you do not also know that the Chinese government routinely make it very clear that private capital is subservient to the state/CCP and its objectives...this is known widely by Chinese citizens and anyone with some interest in understanding contemporary China. For example Alibaba founder Jack Ma- when Jack decided to challenge the Chinese state on how banking and payments platforms could progress, Jack got told exactly where to go. Jack Mas Alipay must be subservient to the Chinese CBDC DCEP because Chinas ambition is to build the protocol for CBDCs and thereby displace the USD / SWIFT hegemony. In very stark contrast to how rentseeking US corporates own and direct the US government and obstruct it from forming let alone implementing a rational global strategy. The US is absolutely riddled with crony capitalism from healthcare, agriculture, science and education to the military....this is what gives China such a golden opportunity to organise and assert itself better than the declining US does.