Now about it being just gambling, I am interested in your arguments on why prediction markets are not a good mechanism to revolutionize the emergence and diffusion of knowledge in society.
When the referee is allowed to gamble in his own game, that is a recipie for match-fixing.
Truthcoin is not a prediction market about world events, it is a prediction market about how Votecoiners will report world events.
Yes, I know.
But there are a lot of incentives working to make votecoiners report world events accurately, and I believe these incentives work very well. Your job is to point out how they do not work.
If the supply of votecoins is spreaded among multiple individuals it will work, can you agree with me on this? No individual is motivated to report wrong, since they won't change the final result and will lose part of their votecoins.
Now if someone tries to buy the entire votecoin supply, see my other answer.
C'mon, give me some arguments!