Thanks for reminding my past. I've been in the same situation in India while I was schooling. We had no other choice than to use a Kerosene oil lamp to study. We used to get only around 6 hours of electricity that too was not constant. Those were very difficult days. I was not used to it however since my childhood as I was born in a big city but when I was 9 years old we had to migrate back to our village where there was no electricity, no schools even no road connectivity. For schooling I went to a the town nearby and it didn't feel lany different fron the village mostly due to weekly blackouts. For one week I used to get 6 hours electricity from 10 to 4 at nights and for one week in day times. To cut short, it was a real struggle and I can absolutely feel what you guys are goin' through. I hope you get past of your difficult situation very soon.