Curious to see the details/more info if we ever get it. Like did they infiltrate the supply lines to add explosives components or a backdoor to cause this. Or is this similar to how the CIA used StuxNet to sabotage Irans Uranium Enrichment by introducing malware and controlling PLCs that told officials everything was functioning properly while it was actually failing. Essentially wonder if they simply found a way to make the non tampered pagers exploded by heating the battery or if they infiltrated the supply chain to create these IEDs. Either way it's a scary reality I suppose.
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Since these were all new pagers and since Hezbollah had told their members to stop carrying cell phones I think it was easily some one (you can fill in the blanks) added something to the pagers in the supply chain and so Hezbollah was SOL when they took the shipment.
I doubt it would be that hard to add some sort of software that could be signaled to trigger thermal runaway. We already have an issue with it in EVs and I want to say the Galexy Note 9 form years ago had the same issue.
The most interesting part of this thing, indeed:
Telecommunications devices used by Hezbollah members began exploding