Centi-Millionaire Boom: America and China Dominate the Super Rich Club

There are currently 29,350 individuals worldwide with liquid investable assets of USD 100 million or more, according to the Centi-Millionaire Report 2024 released today by wealth and investment migration advisors Henley & Partners and featuring exclusive data from global wealth intelligence firm New World Wealth.
This exclusive club has grown globally by 54% over the last decade but the geographic distribution of this super-rich explosion across different regions is revealing. America and China have experienced what can only be described as a centi-millionaire boom, significantly outperforming their European counterparts.

Top 10 Cities with most number of centi-millionaires:

4 from USA and 2 from China!
China’s ascent has been the most dramatic, with its centi-millionaire population expanding by 108% over the past 10 years — outpacing even the stellar performance of the US, whose super-wealthy ranks swelled by 81% over the same period. In contrast, Europe’s centi-millionaire growth has been anemic, increasing by only 26% over the past decade.
India will be there within the next decade for sure. The city that's most promising is the tech capital 'Bengaluru.'
If China wrests control of the global monetary system from USA, as looks probable, India will remain on the sidelines of wealth distribution.