How: Searched for fire department on
At first I asked ChatGPT to give me academic evidence that public sector supplied firefighting services were inefficient compared to private, but it told me that public is better than private 😑
Nice! Thanks. I should have thought to search specific sites like
You'd think I'd remember, because for a recent comment (#673922), I searched specifically on Substack for statin info. I did this because I knew that lots of skeptical doctors posted on Substack. If I had searched any of the main search engines for that statin-skeptical info, I'll bet it would have been a lot harder to find.
Yeah when trying to find non mainstream or conservative viewpoints you usually have to search specific sites. The bias is real
ChatGPT will tell you that feeding everyone is a complex and multifaceted task and best served by the private sector.
Then it will tell you that climate change is a complex and multifaceted task and best handled by the government. Kind of weird?
I mean, that would be the standard neoliberal econ answer, since food is a private good and the climate is a public good / common pool resource.
Yeah, GPT is like a good undergraduate student who can write well, but is basically parroting mainstream neoliberal viewpoints, without much ability to discuss nuances like how even if you agree that climate is a public good, current climate policy creates all sorts of economic distortions and resource misallocations, based on non-existent or extremely shaky cost benefit analysis
This is outragous, but a very local problem (Los Angeles). You won't see this figures anywhere else and it's not a well-paid job at all.
But regarding the public-private discussion: Imagine the perverse aspects of having a company in firefighting. That's quite a motivation for arson.