I just wanted to post real quick about the overall vibe I've gotten from observing this very intriguing cast of characters on this new bitcoin website I found through non-traditional means. (I asked ChatGPT for bitcoin websites.)
The default dark mode setting is ominous, and if I allow this to trigger my fight-or-flight paranoia, as darkness should, my consciousness begins to prioritize the nyms and their teaching. Using perfect recall, or my fallible human-minded best guess at what I might have read previously, I begin identifying patterns.
My instincts tell me that recognizing these patterns are what will most likely lead me to the ultimate awakening, nirvana, enlightenment. But from past readings, meditations, and critical thinking exercises, I know that this to be an illusion:
An awakening cannot be found when it is being sought. Therefore, attempting to stack sats is like struggling against quicksand, and will ultimately lead to my demise.. Knowing this fact, I feel closer to an awakening, but I know the REAL answers I seek are still out there among the dry sand..
While the continuing utterance of "stack sats" and "be humble" pervade, I am left wondering when the next spiritual guidance post will arrive.
I'm sure there are historical writings in other links outside SN, where @DarthCoin and others have deposited their blood, sweat, and tears on a web2 site. When I venture beyond the darkness though, anything outside makes my spirit feel disconnected from the current truths these great minds hold.
I continue to wander the desert, alone, with a single hefty donation from @south_korea_ln in my first post "The Lighthouse", to help me feed the weary, restless souls I find along my travels.
I forward sats to the peer who brings me the most fear, as a sacrifice, hopefully more worthy of his approval. I know I am not worthy. Humbly, I step aside.
Why did you fw the sats to me? What have I done for this?
I asked ChatGPT for bitcoin websites.
And you want awakening? That will not happen with shitGPT...
An awakening cannot be found when it is being sought. Therefore, attempting to stack sats is like struggling against quicksand, and will ultimately lead to my demise.. Knowing this fact, I feel closer to an awakening, but I know the REAL answers I seek are still out there among the dry sand..
This is definitely wrong.
You can find awakening if you understand that this material world is always changing and that there is an element that does not change in itself but dynamically changes everything else. This element is the Supreme Godhead who has a very dynamic personality. In this age of Kali Yuga or Age of Quarrel systems of enlightenment are meant for times when men can focus. Here we focus on all kinds of nonsense so the type of Yoga is recommended as Bhakti which means devotion. Fixing your mind on God and furthermore chanting his name.
Stacking can also be done as well. Participating and engaging others is the key.
If you are able to make every activity that you do a service to god you will find Sat (Which means truth in Sanskrit), Chit (Which means awareness) and Ananda.
Bhagavad-gītā As It Is -- https://prabhupada.io/books/bg/start