Global 4.55%
Asia 6.06%
Africa 2.7%
Europe 3.49%
North America 3.97%
South America 3.14%
Oceania 1.92%
For Linux users like me, this doesn't matter; but it's good to know where the numbers are going. I ❤️ Linux I 🧡 Bitcoin
I recently installed Linux Mint, at the suggestion of my friends at Cuba_Bitcoin, so I could use Sparrow better. My first contact with Linux was Knoppix, on bootable CD that I used to repair a machine with problems in Windows, as always Mr. Windows with problems. But then I followed the crowd and kept Windows and my children used the machine with their Windows games and then I was almost forced. Not anymore, now Linux all the time and my youngest son came one day to use my machine and said "in the end you put Linux" but he was surprised by the performance of the machine and how easy it is to use. So here I am with my Linux, learning to take advantage of it.
My daughters no longer differentiate between Linux and Windows, KDE or Gnome, whether it is in English or Spanish, they are generation Z. They were born with technology in their DNA.
Teaching your children to use Linux is a major win.
Most people and their offspring are now endentured metadata slaves to the bigdata corporateOS state surveillance Godkings...and it cannot but affect their ability to think and act for themselves rather than brainwashed survile proles.
I didn't have the chance to teach my children. Now I'm going to focus on my grandson. He's starting school now. So he'll learn Bitcoin, Linux, fiat money system that steals from everyone, government that exploits humanity. He'll learn the truth
Linux is so much more enjoyable. So much better. So much more secure. Have not ever gone back to the others since leaving them early 2000s but even using Android now when occasionally forced to I find it annoying and manipulative. With Linux I feel respected - on other platforms I feel/felt screwed over and used.