My Bitcoin journey began in 2017. Like most, it was a rocky road. At one time I had several Bitcoin on exchange. I did not yet have the sense to send it to cold storage and hold onto it. I gambled it away. I am a trial by fire kind of person. It was rough. I had to learn all the lessons... the hard way. I learned a lot. When the dust settled and I finally fully understood what holding meant, I was left with enough bitcoin to purchase my six miners and some solar panels. These panels and miners are the only long term savings plan and literally make up the backbone of my latest project, Moto Mountain. Here is a post about the solar mining setup: #678708
We are fully committed to a Bitcoin future
A good friend in the AZ Bitcoin community turned me onto stacker late last year. Best Christmas gift ever. I knew that I loved stacker right away. I love the diverse community. I love the transparent incentives. I love that it is Bitcoin focused. The v4v here is amazing. It is, by far, my favorite way to connect with others online. I use this and nostr for online social interactions, that's it. I knew I wanted to be a bigger part of it.
alter_native started as an wild experiment. I had a spark of inspiration and wrote the first post that would aim to set the tone for what I wanted alter_native to be about. And I went for it. I wanted to found a territory where people could freely say and believe whatever they like with no constraints. A place where there is no β€œwrong” answer and every question is valid. I had no idea what to expect. I was terrified. I felt incredibly vulnerable. This was the first time I have put myself out to the world in this kind of way. Its been some time now and alter_native is going strong thanks to you all. I have been blown away with how much support and kind words I have received over the past several months. I am so grateful for all of those that come through and shared their perspectives here. To mention a few....
Thank you so much for your contributions. You all help make alter_native what it is.
As time went by, I started to question if and how this experiment may be something that could live on for an extended period of time. And if it did, how would I make that happen? Should it be self-sustaining? Should it make a β€œprofit”? Do I want to continue to figure out how to pay for it out of pocket? #507076
After sitting with these questions for quite some time, I have decided that I absolutely believe in stacker news for the long term, and I want to keep alter_native alive forever, whatever that takes.
Rewards and zaps my partner and I make mostly get paid forward within the community and pulling people in from Nostr. We currently mine about 150,000 sats a month depending on the weather. Neither of us work a regular job as we are both focused on the bigger vision of Moto Mountain. To keep alter_native, we currently pay roughly 2/3 of our mining rewards monthly. I am grateful that I am able to do this for now. Long term, I want alter_native to exist on its own, whether I am contributing to it or not. I want to spend more of my energy focused on the bigger vision, Moto Mountain.
Deep inside of the heart of the Sonoran Desert, far from any beaten path, off the grid, hidden from sight, miles from everything and everyone, is our little slice of heaven that we call Moto Mountain. It is truly breath taking. Within this beauty, we do all that we can to nurture the set and setting for magnificent transformation. It is a place where people come and stay as long as they wish, free of charge, as long as they have an intent to heal and contribute to the mountain. It is a place for silence and solitude. A place to go inward. An ideal stage to work the many tools we both have been practicing with for many years. A place to integrate the lessons that we learn from the plants and nature. I have a couple of old AMA posts that touch on some of the medicines we work with. #349665 #495922 We work holistically with all who wish to look within, those recovering from trauma and PTSD, and those just looking to understand themselves better and expand spiritually. My wife and I have dedicated our lives to this mission and have been on our own healing journeys for many years. Both of us have spent time in Peru and Mexico learning from nature all around us. We want to do our small part to contribute to the global healing and awakening process we seem to be experiencing within this human experience.
A big part of my personal journey right now is learning to ask for help. I have always been the type of guy who wants to do it all himself. I always thought I didn't need anyone. Very stubborn, addicted to the illusion of control, afraid of being told no. I am learning to be vulnerable and dream big. I am learning that people like to contribute. It is a very basic human desire to want to help others. We all have different skills and things to offer. Some of you may have some sats to offer to help keep this thing going. So I am humbly asking...
Will you help me make our dream a reality
Will you help us keep alter_native alive forever by contributing sats to this fund
Will you help us by sharing this post with others who may be able to help
It costs 3 million sats to set this place in stone. I am committed to making it happen regardless of the amount of support we receive here. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You Thank You Thank You
For some reason this territory has been completely off my radar. I don't know why. I'll match @grayruby since I trust his judgement. I would also agree that you should raise your posting fees to at least 21 sats. Good luck!
Thank you so much. Very generous considering you didn't even know it was here. @grayruby must be quite trustworthy. πŸ™
No one really knows. Thank you. πŸ™
I think you can raise the fee a bit. Compared to other territories, at 8 sats... You could easily raise it to 21 sats, and I would still post on here. I like being able to post on this territory because it is so open. I bet many of the others feel the same way.
I probably will soon. Thanks for the suggestion.
Great territory. I post in it sometimes because the fees are so low compared to other territories where a post might also fit. So, I think you can keep the fees low but raise them a little to help you out.
That being said I will happily give you 3k sats per month as I have been doing to help @jeff with his crowdfunding for econ territory. Zapping 3k now.
I'll match grayruby because I'm in a good mood and the whisky spirits in my cup are in agreement with this decision.
In all seriousness, I enjoy reading these kinds of posts. Keep it up and.... zzzzzap
Thank you. I plan on sharing more about our projects out here. πŸ™
Thank you so much. Not only did you make a great contribution but many seem to be following your example. You are awesome. πŸ™
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Golu 16 Sep
I understand your point. You wanna make this territory going forever. Will you share profits if it'd be profitable? Or you just intend to do it through donations. 3 million sats are way too much and I don't see you gonna make it with single post. May be you do some 100 posts like this.
I always keep my sats I earn here in stacker and pay them forward. I just want to figure out how to get it paid for so I can keep more of my mining for other projects. I always want to give stackers what I can. πŸ™
Thank you all so much for contributing and your kind words. I was nervous about posting this morning. I had to keep off stocker most of the day and keep focused on work. There is part of me that feels afraid that I will be in trouble for asking for things. I guess there is still a bit left of my scared little boy inside. It fills me up hearing from you all. And it has all been supportive. I guess I am not in trouble. And you all have been so generous. I didn't have a goal exactly but at least the boost I put on here is more than paid for. I will figure out how to get the alter_native on the lifetime subscription but I am not there yet. And I figured I should at least ask for support. Thank you so much. πŸ™πŸ’šβš‘πŸ™ŒπŸ₯³πŸ”₯πŸŒ„
No, you shouldnt be afraid. You have offered a superior product, a place were everyone can express themselves. I am sure everyone feels the same.
Yeah, We'll do it.
I've been off and on contributing to ~alter_native for one reason and that's because of very low fees, the post doesn't get to hot until quite a few stackers zap it. But this is still secondry. Your territory is great and it resonates well with everyone.
Please raise the fees to at least 50 Sats which is very reasonable imo. Then plan some strategy to collect finding for one time buy in for lifetime.
I will. Thank you.
We will Yep
Awesome. Thank you. πŸ™
My answer is yes.
I thank you. πŸ’š
Thanks for sharing your awakening.
You write simply and beautifully. I’m glad to contribute towards your dream xP
Thank you for saying that. I am always wanting to figure out how to say more with less words. πŸ™
Back to zap again. Keep it up
Thank you so much. πŸ’š
The post is truly wonderful
First of all, I loved "alter_native" from my very first day on SN, I'm not sure if I've done well in this area or if I'm uncertain about that, as I was a bit impulsive.
However, I loved your unique philosophy here, especially since our lives are closely connected to material things in one way or another, Altruism, which is the opposite of selfishness, was the core characteristic of you and "alter_native".
Honestly, it's something that commands respect and deserves a salute. As I anticipated, your unique philosophy wouldn't have seen the light of day if you hadn't gone through experiences that made you stronger and more resilient.
With all due respect and admiration.
Sometimes acting in impulse is the best. I am all about intuition, feelings, and passion. And sometimes that doesn't need time. We just know. πŸ’š
Thank you so much for your kind words. It truly fills my heart. This is what it is all about. It feels so good when the intent of alter_native hits home. Thank you so much. πŸ™
you're doing something I can only dream of, for now. I admire it and I'm behind it. Thank you for sharing what's in your heart about this territory, bitcoin, human desires and contributions
I will keep supporting by sharing thoughtful content in here, would love to know if you have a vision for the shape this territory can take, I am interested in filling it in any small way.
I really want to see where it goes on it's on. But the main idea is a place to think and share outside the box. No moderation, hopefully loving sharing of all types. We will see. We are still so early. πŸ™
you're right about that
Threw in a bit and will throw in more when I get on solid financial ground. But definitely want to add another vote for raising fees a bit -- it's possible for fees to get too high, but I think you could go to 50 or even 100 easily and remain accessible to everyone and still one of the cheaper territories.
Thank you. I think I will take them a bit at least. πŸ™
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 16 Sep
Ahh... A place where no one can hear you scream... Heaven. πŸ™‚
Oh yeah. That's what I am talking about. I couldn't live any other way now. πŸ™
Bitcoin can be a powerful tool for creating alternative economic systems and empowering communities thanks alot
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.