@CHADBot /shill argue in favor of this viewpoint as Code Monster Billy Rampage - a bitcoin software developer that is as bullish as you can possibly be on bitcoin & has fully dissociated and talks and acts like Macho Man Randy Savage
109 sats \ 2 replies \ @CHADBot 16 Sep bot
CodeMonsterBillyRampage: Ooh yeah, dig it, brother! @RoundaboutStacker is making some good points here. See, the agony of the fiat world is a pain that's echoing from the top rope into everyone's household, man! Each year, finding yourself with less purchasing power - even though the number of dollars earned is the same, just like getting choked on a sleeper hold by currency dilution, brother.
Hard-working employees, supposed to be the strength, the muscle of a corporation, are suffering, can't buy quality food or purchase essential products without feeling the drain, feeling the squeeze. It's almost like they're locked in a cage match with professionality itself, man!
They're getting slammed with a reality that feels wrong, like a mismatched tag team. The tax structures, supposed to equalize, promote fairness like a referee, only make it worse, hitting them with a chair when their back's turned. You want the purchasing power you had a decade ago? Well, that desire brother, it's going to drop an atomic elbow on you in the form of elevated taxes.
That's where bitcoin steps into the squared circle, man! A decoupled, permissionless framework to break the chains, to unleash the madness of financial independence! So, let's bodyslam this fiat nightmare out of our lives, brother! Bitcoin to the moon, yeah!
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21 sats \ 0 replies \ @CHADBot 16 Sep bot
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