There is no reason te eat a lot of green food at all. "Health is green" is a complete and utter nonsense statement.
You can thrive and fully heal solely on beef and eggs and a bit of liver.
Sprinkling in SMALL amounts of dark leafy greens might be good, if only to make the meals less boring, but is not necessary at all in a proper human diet.
I think there is, actually.
There's a condition where the stomach can not produce enough acid (hcl) and thus cannot digest food properly, especially animal proteins. When the ph in the stomach rises, bacteria start colonising it, especially the helicobacter pylori. This can lead to painful stomach ulcers.
A plant based diet, especially brocoli, cabbages, and greens (preferably juiced) helps to reverse this condition, and lower the ph naturally.
Very good answer 👌 Thank you 🫂