TheWildHustle has had a six pack his entire life, he works out like he's possessed by demons. Never thought about food or dieting, before discovering Bitcoin. Tried carnivore for a couple of weeks last year......
Hustle was snapped into a state of ketosis with an intensity that felt like a psychedelic trip. Crazy, stupidly consistent energy, wide eyed-alertness and clarity.
It sounds like the carnivore experience was positive for you, but you're not interested in continuing it?
Was hard to keep up, never stuck to a diet before and was trying it out.
It started with, "O well I can have some cheese" and then "Well a little bit of rice every now and then won't kill me" and then "What am I doing carnivore for again?"
I'm wanting to lean into it again for potential productivity gains. But want to spice it up a bit, and go animal based + fruit. Saw 2 Breedlove episodes, one on carnivore, one on animal based. Both guests shilled their diets well, Hustle wants to see if there will be a significant difference in the outcomes.
Also Hit a 24 hour fast around the beginning of this year......didn't realize any health benefits but it was interesting seeing where I could push my body, and in hindsight its probably good resistance training for your mind.