I'm really touched by your past! So glad to see you reach such heights even after all the shit you've been through.
I was also raised in kind of same situation. I've written so much in my story #510163 here but not this part. I just want to forget how my childhood was stolen due to my father being behind the bars for one stupidity in his life. I had to sell newspapers, work for 500 INR a month on a shop and even when my father came out, our conditions didn't improve for he used to drink a lot and talk a lot about his past which had not been so great to talk about. His addiction to alcohal had a lasting impact on my studies and I had to turn to teaching in private schools for supporting family. As I'm the eldest of my siblings, I had to grow up early. I had to leave my house at the age of 16. I had to do a lot of things which I otherwise hadn't done.
For my confession, I first had never taken any drugs. Only once I had tasted some tobacco which I couldn't handle and left. When I grew up like 25 or so, then only I had my first drink. I also drink but very occasionally and in very limited quantity and in a manner like the elites or royals do. I believe that alcohal isn't bad but if it changes the way you see the world after drinking, it's bad.
Thanks for sharing.. I love that shifting my perspective and I don't judge anything as good or bad. It just is. Its all just experiences. The choice we get is whether or not we grow and learn from the experience or not. For example, eating mushrooms changed how I see the world, Is that bad? I also got drunk and rolled my truck. It sucked. Was it bad? Not to me, I learned a valuable lesson. Drinking always changes how you see the world, even if you don't think it does. just like drinking a coca-cola does, or watching TV. All consumption changes how we see things. But can we discern what is best for us and adapt?