The ratio of government debt to GDP is likely to explode as the US enters a deep recession. Congress finally needs adults at the helm of the ship of state to balance the budget, which means nothing less than the US withdrawing from numerous geopolitical conflict zones. Pure math dictates that this will happen. How the gaping power vacuum could be filled will be answered by Beijing, Moscow and New Delhi. Meanwhile, the Europeans are being marginalized geopolitically.
The ratio of government debt to GDP is likely to explode as the US enters a deep recession.
Isn't it funny that US isn't accepting it? It's clearly there and half of this can attributed to war financing. People will have to realise in time before November lest 2008 repeats in a bigger way.
I would say at least the bond market accepted that by pushing yields further down
So, from this perspective, a Trump victory in the upcoming election would be better than a Harris one. It’s easier to envisage Trump withdrawing America from major conflicts - compared to Harris.
It was certainly something that was coming, the economy has not been good and if action is not taken it will be worse.