My cat, Rayito, is a very spoiled little girl who loves being the center of attention. So, whenever I set up my photography set, she always jumps right in the middle. She's learned that this way, she gets all my attention, and she loves being photographed.
This is a scene that repeats itself every time I set up the set, so I couldn't miss the opportunity to take some beautiful photos of my cat, Rayito.
Rayito's photos always turn out amazing. Her fur is so soft and shiny, it looks like it's glowing
It's funny to think that my other cat doesn't like being pointed at with a camera, but Rayito loves it so much that she even purrs when she's in the middle of the photography set.
And so this post isn't too short and boring, I'll tell you a few facts about Rayito:
I didn't adopt Rayito; my other cat, Colita, did. He was the one who brought Rayito to our house to play, and since we were feeding them both, she ended up staying in our home.
I still remember the first time I saw Rayito. Colita brought her to the door and left her there, as if introducing me to his new friend. From that moment, I knew Rayito would stay with us.
Rayito purrs very easily. I just pet her for a few seconds, and she starts purring. She's so sweet and loving.
For some reason we don't know yet, Rayito doesn't like being held in your arms. She loves affection and play but always at a safe distance, without invading her personal space.
Every time I photograph her, I feel so grateful to have her in my life. Rayito fills me with joy and teaches me the true meaning of unconditional love.
Amazing and beautiful cat.
Beautiful! I love cats and this colour combination is my favourite.
So, cute! It's nice to know your story tells us that cats are so affectionate to their breed.
Your cat has a very expressive face. Beautiful!