If you understand freedom, you would definitely buy Bitcoin.

Fiat is one of the worst items to store value in, as governments can create millions or billions of additional units at the snap of a finger. Right now, the United States is such dire straights, they are planning to boroow at least $2 Trillion dollars over the next year or so, just to keep the machine up and running.
Yes this shit can (and will) get out of control very quickly once people wake up and realize what’s going on.
Fortunately for us, most folks are just too busy, uninterested, or unaware of the game the government plays. Nor the solution deployed by Satoshi nearly 15 years ago.
So as humble plebs we just keep on buying, and hoarding Bitcoin.
The truly mind-blowing thing is that we cannot be diluted by ANYONE once we have purchased and safely stored our Bitcoin.
So…if we simply change our view on “money” by changing our unit of account from the dollar, to Bitcoin, we NEVER LOSE MONEY.