Krugman is relaxed that stabilizing the debt path through “just” $600 billion in deficit reduction today is achievable, but his own piece then argues against that premise. He believes that Republicans won’t raise taxes, but just this week even relative deficit hawk Rep. Ro Khanna (D‑CA) said he wouldn’t countenance any cuts to social spending to reduce deficits. In fact, House Democrats regularly introduce bills to increase old-age entitlements.
In the years to come, it is going to only get worse. The people in office dont want to take responsibility for the crimes that committed.
If not for Bitcoin, I'd be really worried about where this train is heading.
It's a strange feeling. I still enjoy reading about this stuff, but now I have a certain detachment, and deep down I don't really care what happens. It's like watching a sporting event and your team isn't playing.
I agree. It's like watching or reading a tragedy, rather than living in one.