A lot of bitcoiners bring up criticism of the idea of Democracy (Svetski and Saifedean for example), and I know in the past you've stepped up to defend it.
Are you still firmly in that boat that Democracy is the best structure for nations to aspire to? Or are there more nuances to your argument there?
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Yes, I think a government accountable to the people is much better than dictatorship. It is unrealistic for the average person to participate in the day-to-day governance of their town or city or much less country. So representative democracy is the best way to do this, in my book. I understand that centralized authoritarianism or fascism can be more efficient in many areas but I reject that and think we need to keep fighting for civil liberties. That said, modern democracy is broken in many ways. It needs A LOT of reform to get it to the point where I'd be very proud of it.