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Was HRF semi-focused on technology before bitcoin?
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Yes. In 2007 and 2008 I was working on helping the Cuban underground library movement access forbidden media. And for the next decade I spent a lot of time (still do) working with North Korean defectors using technology to crack the Kim regime's digtal Iron Curtain. We started using encrypted messaging as part of our work in 2013 and had a "tech lab" at the Oslo Freedom Forum for about 5 years before we started doing Bitcoin work in 2017
Is freefom tech our best hope for securing human rights for all?
Do you imagine it's possible to win that fight globally in an enduring way or is it a forever war?
I do think freedom tech is our best hope for securing human rights for all, yes, especially in societies where they can't hold their governments responsible through free speech and elections
I think the best hope for Bitcoin is that it slowly reforms the world for the better