Quick on the draw. At least you know if it goes to tiebreaker tiebreaker you were first in line.
What if the total points are exactly 47?
Then you would have the tiebreaker right on. That would be good. Provided you got the games correct as well.
I can only hope @siggy47 has got them correctly 😁
You want to face Siggy head to head in the tiebreaker?
Last week we had 4 or 5 stackers who had all games correct. Just because you got your picks in first doesn't mean your tiebreaker will be the closest. Might be a 60 point game.
No, I don't agree. It can't be more than 47. I believe I'm a fighter, so one fight more against him has 47 with his nym 🙏 I hope you now understand the value 47.