Hey, all the cool kids at the farmers market gotta have their reusable earth-conscious homemade handbag, right???
I made this bag based off this video and I embellished it with beads because that's fun!
The size of the bag is deceiving, as its mesh design gives it A LOT of s t r e t c h. You can stuff a week's worth of beef in here, I know for a fact!
Maybe you're not interested in crocheting. It is time consuming. But it's one of those rare skills that robots and machines can't quite exactly replicate, yet. And that's pretty special. This is an easy beginning project, though you will have to sink maybe 12 hours into it.
It looks great! What sort of fiber did you use? I think linen fiber is great for this sort of application - it's durable and feels nice, but it probably doesn't stretch as much as cotton, wool, or acrylic. On the other hand, wool has some natural anti-microbial qualities.
I used acrylic! it's the cheapest and easiest to attain. Would love to use wool for something like a sweater or vest, but when I've tried clothing, I have hated the results.
130 sats \ 0 replies \ @anna 13 Sep
It’s the best feeling bringing something I made for myself into the wild. It looks great - excellent color choices and beading!
It is a therapeutic job. Congrats.
Beautiful! Nice, pow.

B-b-but where's the 5-Farb Flecktarn camo at?! 😧😱
