I would say here
although I still depend on fiat in many things to live, and I use bitcoin a lot as a savings
yeah, the question is not really about where you position in the actual moment, but where do you position in general, where do you want to go.
This was done like an exercise, because I saw that many people cannot see where is going Bitcoin.
Moving away from fiat dependency is a loooong and hard journey. Took me many years preparing and wasn't easy at all.
I understand you, but I have always been clear that bitcoin is money. That it can behave in other ways and that each person perceives it differently? Of course it does.
for you in Cuba I think is even harder...
It's difficult, because sometimes you don't have enough money to find what you need, there are power cuts, and much more. Luckily I have a beautiful family and that's worth more than anything else in the world.