Great read, goes through forgiveness and why it is often misunderstood.
It would seem that the anger is rooted in two things: first, that the call to forgive implies some dishonoring or diminishing of the pain or injustice someone has experienced, and second, that it seems to imply that there is a requirement to stay in or resume relationships that are poisonous or dysfunctional. But forgiveness need not imply either of these.
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Thanks for sharing this @Car. I for one have had to dig very deep to forgive the monsters of my past. But forgiveness is not like, "Hey, remember how you made school a living hell for me? Let's grab a beer and watch the game."
No. Forgiveness is asking to lift the burden of that pain. To be at peace with the past. And to trust that ultimately every wrong will be answered. But not by me. Releasing that burden allowed me to become the man I am today.
You become what you cannot forgive.
💯 that's why I am quick to forgive in most cases, but the pain is still there. These days I just let things go a lot faster, apologize and just move on, and chalk it up to human behavior. Sometimes I will talk to a friend about it get their side and try to learn from the situation and adjust for the future. Let go, let God is a saying I love.
Forgiveness is poorly understood, expecially in a world ruled by fiat.
when we sow mercy, we reap a harvest of peace, joy and healthy relationships