Wrote a fierce email to my boss:
  1. Quotation was chosen because I thought it would be a good way to remind the students of the concept of quotation marks. I know we don’t teach it for capitalisation of proper nouns, but the kiddos should be familiar with it when they capitalise songs or include dialogue in their essays.
  2. Forgettable was chosen because I’m confident that some teams would miss out on the doubling the consonant rule. As for why it is not unforgettable, that’s because I included unbelievable as one of the other 9 words, so I guess my intention was to make forgettable a lower-hanging fruit than unbelievable.
I understand the logic of making the Finals words more difficult than the Prelims, and I think that we need to consider the unique situation we are in. All rounds are shown live to a student population generally uninterested in spelling. Hence, I feel that the words in the later rounds cannot be significantly more difficult than those in the Prelims because we would lose audience interest as quickly as our students gobbling bento boxes.
For instance, I would have loved to use accommodating for Y3/4s but streamlining is more accessible to Y1/2s. Similarly, I was wavering between invaluable and vulnerable for Y1/2s but decided on invaluable in the end because everyone has heard of valuable. So, these were some of my considerations when I came up with the Semi-finals words.
what is this, are you raising philosophers?